
HTML- hellish torment murders life

Been working on my HTML Resume assignment due tuesday. 'Tis very invalid and needs much work. I won't be sleeping much. Invalid. Even though it's late and my head hurts from HTML overload, I am happy.

Two new friend blogs discovered today.
Uncle-Spikey, the man that I should have gone to a comic book convention with today and also my favorite unpublished author.
And Papist Pete, a good man to have around as a brother-in-law when you need one. Welcome to blogdom, brothers.

I envision a world where everyone reads each other's blogs and in which talking and spending time with one another becomes obsolete. The blog is sufficient.


Blogger trawlerman said...

talking and spending time with one another becomes obsolete.....gee wizz John, beer drinking would never be the same. some people would have to buy there own smokes. Bad Idea
Scott Terry | 10.11.04 - 10:22 pm | #

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When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning. —Reiner Knizia