

Once again, it's time for the World Series. I like baseball, even though I can't stomach watching professional sports on television. Anyhow, I thought that since it's that time of year, I'll share Douglas Jones' reflections on the sport.

I like Douglas Jones because he's the first reformed guy that Abigail really loves listening to as much as I do.
She makes fun of everyone else, and probably rightly so, but has a grudging respect for the intellect of Jones.

Maybe she will let me name a son MacDougal.


Blogger trawlerman said...

While I found Dougs view interesting, I still think it is a product of the comie conspiracy! Church Softball anyone?
Scott Terry | 10.25.04 - 7:20 am | #


I expect to see the likes of one Mr. Owen the Living, and Mr.Terry to join us next season for a healthy round of God-honouring softball. Well...now that D.Jones endorses it.
Matt | Email | 11.02.04 - 6:02 pm | #


When donkeys fly, politicions tell the truth, and palm trees grow in the artic.
Scott Terry | 11.09.04 - 6:29 am | #

1/02/2005 4:45 PM  

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