
Blogging time away...

My favorite anecdote about citizenship concerns a confederate soldier brought before General Benjamin Butler at the end of the civil war.
"We gave you hell at Chickamauga, General!" said the soldier.
The irate Butler admonished him that if he did not take the citizenship oath immediately, he would be "ventilated" by a firing squad.
With some unwillingness, the defiant Southerner took the oath and then said, "General, I suppose I'm a good Yankee and citizen of the United States now?"
The general responded unenthusiastically, "I suppose so."
"Well, General, the rebels did give us hell at Chickamauga, didn't they?"

-Jim West

When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning. —Reiner Knizia