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"The great sin of Jeroboam I, "who caused Israel to sin" as Kings often puts it, was liturgical idolatry, violation of the second commandment. Jeroboam I set up two calves and called on the people to worship Yahweh through them (I Kings 12:25-32). He called on the people to "behold" these calves."
"Jeroboam was not calling the people to worship a new god, but to worship Yahweh through the medium of calves. He expressly referred to the calf Aaron set up in the wilderness (I Kings 12:28)..."
"Aaron's calf was not another god either, but an icon through which the people were to worship the Lord. Worship at these calves was called a "feast of Yahweh" (Exodus 32:5)...."

-James Jordan, from The Liturgy Trap

Last Friday night while down in Binghamton I got into a discussion with Peter about icons, at Scott's house.

So what do I do two days later, on Sunday night, but go to a Taize prayer service with icons prominently displayed up front, and I'm encouraged to worship through them.

Go figure.

The songs were pretty, but I won't be going back.


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