
Scholastic Scribbles

I'm at UB (I believe that this is my first time posting from UB).
I drove down here to do some work, but unexpected printer difficulties have kept me from starting what I have come here to do.

So, in the meantime, I blog.

I did use this limbo time to upload some files to my UB server space, so now you can enjoy these:

1) This first file is my "Issue Briefing" final paper for my intro course last semester. It's a word document, so feel free to download it, mangle it to pieces, and send me back the results.

Comics on Trial: Justified Arguments for Library Inclusion or Impertinent Demands?

2) The second is my final paper for my Non-Book Materials class last semester. This was perhaps the easiest paper that I had to write, because I didn't have to back up any of my arguments with outside sources. That's the way the professor wanted it. We were supposed to write about what we think should be done to change the opinions and practices (and prejudices) of librarians as regards non-book formats.

What Should Be Done: Building A Foundation for Change

Update: I'm at home now. I realized that I should add some details to convince people to read that second one. It's a defense of non-book formats, arguing that they are valid and necessary expressions of man made in the image of god, reflecting the triune god's creation, as revealed in the book of Genesis. Maybe now someone will read it. :)

Re-reading both of them now, I'm noticing many things that I would like to change and touch up a bit, but I'll let them stand as they are.

Happy reading!


Blogger trawlerman said...

I've only read the last paper on 'librarian reconstruction'. I really liked it. I'm wondering though, will your prof write it off because of a religious presupposition? Needless to say I'm fairly ignorant on library stuff. Tell me, John, is the Library trade as heated and controversial as you make it sound?
Matt | 02.04.05 - 4:38 pm | #

Gravatar Nah, I already handed it in, and he loved it. Here are his exact words:
This is a very thoughtful and well written paper. You
should have it published. It has a philosophical tone
that often is not expressed in the literaure. I think
pictures also came before the written word.
Great job!"
I got a perfect grade on it. I think that the prof is exagerating a bit about the "getting it published" bit, but I do think that it could be published if I worked it over a great deal.
trawlerman | Homepage | 02.04.05 - 8:21 pm | #

Gravatar "...is the Library trade as heated and controversial as you make it sound?"

More so.
trawlerman | Homepage | 02.04.05 - 8:23 pm | #

5/03/2005 5:00 PM  

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