

I went through about a one year period when I was obsessed with everything Elephant Six. This music is the anti-grunge, offering a whimsical delight in life, served with a smile.

I even created an E6 email account (now no longer offered, sadly) when I was in London to send Abigail email updates from her mother. I think the address was motherjohnson@elephant6.com.

Of Montreal is a close relative of the E6 clan, and the reason that I'm thinking about E6 and Of Montreal is because Of Montreal is featured on an episode of Spinning on Air which also features an interview with Craig Thompson.

I found the show because I've been looking at comics links all morning, and went to Thompson's site for the first time, where I found the link to the Spinning on Air interview. I really should have found the show in the past, because I've been to the WNYC page before, but sometimes it takes something beyond browsing to catch one's attention.

I then checked out the Spinning on Air site, and found that the newest episode features Viking Moses, so, now that I'm impressed, I'll probably spend the rest of the day going through Spinning on Air archives.


Listen to:
Of Craig Thompson, of Of Montreal, and of more


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