
Donut Man and Daughter

That's who this post is for.

Here's a video clip of Ann Coulter, handmaiden of the Right.


Blogger trawlerman said...

I couldn't get the clip to play. Kinda glad though. Anne is just another neocon loud mouth. I've never heard her when I didn't want to choke the crap out her.
Scott Terry | Homepage | 04.22.05 - 6:41 pm | #

I couldn't get it to play either.
Peter John | 04.22.05 - 9:29 pm | #

Gravatar It still works for me. I'm not sure why you guys are having problems. I posted it mainly for Sarah Johnson. Ann Coulter, in my opinion, comes off very bad in this clip.
Trawlerman | Homepage | 04.22.05 - 10:50 pm | #

5/03/2005 4:46 PM  

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