

I was catching up on reading Spike's blog tonight, and decided that I'll refer you to him instead of writing anything original tonight. He captures well the feeling of discussing theology with a loved one. Read his whole post here.

"I am not offended by Mr. Brown’s book, because he looks in on our feast and says that it does not exist. But when I eat the cracker and ask myself, “Is this the symbol of the flesh divine or is it the flesh divine itself?” his no-doubt jolly fun book pales to schoolboy giggles about pistil and stamen. Lest we forget how important those giggles are, because we are older now, and we seek the God of older men, remember that we seek knowing we must approach as children. He is risen, indeed. He is risen in deed. We worship a Living God, which is an unfathomable weight, but a lighter burden. We worship a fact more stable than gravity, a fantasy more ethereal than ghosts in sunlight. And whether that worship is given to us or by us, it is a discussion held between brothers on an open porch."


Blogger trawlerman said...

Write on, right on. (Echos of Uncle Leo)
Peter John | 04.24.05 - 12:03 am | #

It was late last night. How Uncle Leo fell out I don't know. Uncle Rico, Uncle Rico.

I have been banned from the Napolean Dynamite Fan club.
Peter John | 04.24.05 - 11:28 am | #

Gravatar THIS IS ABBY, NOT JOHN (I just don't want to mess up his login info.)

I don't know what you're referring to, Pete, but did I tell you that John impulsively bought me a poster of the same for my birthday? It hangs in our bedroom above Millie's bed and makes me giggle.

I reinstate you.
Trawlerman | Homepage | 04.24.05 - 11:35 pm | #

5/03/2005 4:46 PM  

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