

I'm also fooling around with the template.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good John!

5/04/2005 12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take that back! I liked it plain. Get that table off there!


5/04/2005 6:55 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

I agree with Scott. You don't need a background image. The marble-like background for the title was a nice change. And what happened to Abby's blog? It is nothing but a white page, like that kindergarten joke about the cow that ate all the grass . . .

Rundy's mom

5/04/2005 8:34 PM  
Blogger Abigail said...

Yikes! I don't know what happened to mine, and John has fallen asleep! A few hours ago, he was in the middle of experimenting with his template (hence, the colorful table) when I had to hijack the computer to edit a paper for my brother Andy. Never fear, puzzled people, John's real blog will return soon... :)

5/04/2005 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no! keep the table. perhaps mess with the font color and/or make the background of the font less transparent so us viewers can read without squinting. john, if you take away the table you're taking away my desire to visit this site ever again.

5/05/2005 3:43 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

Leave the table.

5/05/2005 7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The table stunt is nifty but readability is a problem. Not enough contrast between font and background. Increasing font size might also help.

Having text going over the items is spatially confusing and gives a sense of clutter, I think.

The trick would be to get it so all of the text was on the table cloth. That would give more uniform contrast with font and keep the atmosphere as well. Unfortunately as the image is designed presently it isn't working, in my opinion.

Each to his own.

P.S. That height chair . . . gosh, it's got to be a spitting image of the one that came into our posession way back when Titi was a tyke (I think) when we were going to Plymouth Brethren. Is the chair in that picture of similiar (18 or so years) age or did you pick it up somewhere more recently?

That was a good height chair.

5/05/2005 11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i found instructions on how to do it for livejournal, and i'm guessing it would do the same for your site...


.overallwidth { filter:alpha(opacity=60); -moz-opacity:0.6 }

This will cause the entire table/shell to become semi-transparent. Adjust the transparancy to preference. Important! This will force everything entire design table to become semi-transparent. To my knowledge, there is no way around it.


.entries { filter:alpha(opacity=60); -moz-opacity:0.6 } {filter:alpha(opacity=60); -moz-opacity:0.6;}

This will make only the entries semi-transparent. Good if you just want the entries semi-transparent. Adjust the transparency to preference.

5/05/2005 12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that might do it. But his css tag might be different. Some systems would use




or some such instead of your ".entries". I'm not sure what blogger uses.

5/05/2005 12:50 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

The table's a cool touch. Oddly missing from a table scene, though, is something to drink. Heck, there's not even any meat!

5/05/2005 3:58 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

My bad, the coaster is a nice addtion.

5/05/2005 4:06 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

That's high chair, Rundy, not height chair.

5/05/2005 9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Scuse me. I guess just revealed my uncultured status.

BTW--that fading of the picture helps the text readability A LOT.

5/06/2005 6:33 AM  
Blogger Valerie (Kyriosity) said...

The roll of plastic wrap sure adds a certain something, dunnit?

5/06/2005 6:41 PM  
Blogger trawlerman said...

Well, thanks for all of the comments. I decided against the table, though I still want to add a background image (possibly images) if I can find one that is more appropriate than a table with some food on it.


Scott, it's plain for now.

Rundy, as far as the high chair goes, I'm not sure where we got it from. Maybe Abigail knows. I'll have her comment here later.

James, I hope you keep coming back even though there's no table in the background. You know you're my biggest fan. Anyhow, some day I'll link to one of your songs and some bigwig record exec will notice and you'll be a star (did I tell you that you're on a mix cd that I made for J. Dunham?).

Kathy, Thank you for your comments, but, really, you shouldn't be commenting here. You should be spending your time admonishing your boys for commenting on blogs instead of using their time to court the last available Johnson girl, the lovely Deborah.
Priorities, Purdys, Priorities...

Matt, there was no drink on the table because it was in my hand (the one not holding the camera). Rest assured, I placed it on that beautiful coaster as soon as the photograph was taken.

Valerie, It wasn't plastic wrap, it was "tin" foil, so that's probably why it seemed so exciting to you. Tin foil is much superior to plastic wrap.

Yes, I'll keep experimenting with my template, but I'm done for a short while.

5/07/2005 4:52 PM  
Blogger Abigail said...

Why is it that John doesn't know the answers to essentials? The h[e]igh[t] chair was a gift from his parents two years ago. They bought it at a garage sale, and it's clearly an "older" model. If a similar chair has won the Purdy Seal of Approval, then I expect this solid, sturdy, little number to last us for at least 18 years, too.

5/07/2005 9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it shall, no doubt. They don't make them like that anymore. Everything is plastic now.

Does yours still have the tray?

When Titi was a little tyke she would wriggle out of the straps and sit on the edge of the tray, dangling her feet over the edge.

Tray died quite a while ago . . . no, not with a kid sitting on the edge. The chair itself held out pretty good (through numerous children) until just a few weeks ago when it finally lost an arm.

5/07/2005 10:02 PM  
Blogger Abigail said...

Yep, tray's still in fine shape, tho' we've relegated it to storage. Our hand-me-down table is an old, square restaurant table that's just high enough for her to use the table surface instead of a tray. (Both arms are intact, but thanks for the warning. 18 years from now, we'll be on the lookout for one to expire.)

5/09/2005 4:43 PM  

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