
Recovering Hippies

I was browsing one of my favorite music sites tonight (The Unbroken Circle), and I found a really great rendition of Psalm 45 done by a group named The Trees, that I know very little about (besides the review at Unbroken Circle).

You can listen here:

Psalm 45

While I'm at it, I ought to point out that Valerie has recorded a setting of Psalm 107 for J.O. Butler's PsalmCast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psalms and hippies? What a coincidence -- I just came upon this the other day! There're more comics and other hippie goodness at WFMU. I think I found this at Go Home Productions, but I can't confirm that.

7/08/2005 3:35 PM  
Blogger trawlerman said...


Thanks for the links.

I had subscribed to the WFMU blog feed, but after a while I decided that it wasn't worth spending time on, even though I miss interesting stuff like this. I've also come across John Rydgren stuff somewhere else in the past, but I can't remember where. I don't agree with his methodology at all (and find his 'dynamic-equivalance' Psalm 23 to be an aberration even as I find it fascinating).

Now, if you had happened to find a Cthulu Psalm, I would have really been impressed. As it is, I'm glad nonetheless and encourage you to keep the links coming (and update your own blog/journal more often).

7/08/2005 8:43 PM  
Blogger Valerie (Kyriosity) said...

I think it's funny that you mentioned my song under the heading "recoving hippies." In high school (early '80s) there was someone who used to call me the "misplaced flower child."

7/16/2005 10:30 AM  

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