
Jones Madrid

I need an excuse to put up this animated gif from Envoy Magazine, so I'm also linking to the short written debate between Douglas Jones and Patrick Madrid on the relationship between Scripture and the Church.

Protestant Link

Catholic Link


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't Pete need to put this on his blog?

9/25/2005 7:06 PM  
Blogger nivchek said...

Hey, John.

Look into Eastern Orthodoxy. Just a suggestion. :)

9/26/2005 10:48 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

Won't find it's way onto my blog.
I don't get Envoy, so I'm still quite scrawny on the beach.

Trying to stay away from apologetics stuff so I'm reading some Orthodox books on iconography and wading through the collected works of my patron Saint, John of the Cross.

Done with debate for a (long?) time.

That comic did make me laugh though.

9/26/2005 5:54 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Done with debate for a (long?) time.

Say it ain't so! It's no fun to only pick on dispy's. At least you make us earn our salt.

9/26/2005 9:07 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

>>>Say it ain't so! It's no fun to only pick on dispy's. At least you make us earn our salt.

Let me modify that a bit. Debate around a campfire or in Scott's trailer with a truckload of beer is ok. The internet is out for now.

9/27/2005 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize my comment might have been construed as implying that Pete needed to brush up on his apologetics skills. I didn't mean that. I would say Pete is as good as, or better than, 98% of Catholics in his apologetics. Of course, I still think he is gravely mistaken in his understanding of scripture, but I don't really think "Envoy" would improve him any. For a Catholic laymen I think his articulateness is better than most.

By my comment I only meant that it seemed like the comic was a joke one would find on a Catholic site.

Just wanted to clear that up.

9/27/2005 9:21 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Rundy, I still have a lot to learn and really am still quite scrawny
(you should see me with my shirt off). No offense taken.

I assume everyone realizes this comic is a parody of the Charles Atlas ads in the comics books of the 70's. That's what makes it even more funny.

9/28/2005 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure if the comic was a parody or the people honestly looked up to those ads.

I can't decide which would make it funnier.

BTW, Pete, your blog comments are getting spammed now.

9/28/2005 7:02 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Yeah, I noticed. Is there a way to prevent blog spam?

9/28/2005 9:42 PM  
Blogger Abigail said...

Go to settings (then to the 'comments' section) and turn on the "word verification" feature. This requires commenters to copy nonsense like "jieE8rn2" to guard against automatically sent spam.

See! I'm barely-there computer literate at times. (John could have told you the same thing, but he's workworkworking.)

9/29/2005 8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I like how the Protestant bully is carrying a Chick tract when he gets his come-uppance. Nice touch.

10/13/2005 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, you need to send me the link to that cartoon, it is hilarious!

3/06/2006 11:54 PM  

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