
Thinking about...

Very soon now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey John,
This is not so much a "comment" as just a "hello". I got a new cell phone. In the process I lost a lot of people's numbers. If you could email me your number at Tahverender@aol.com that would be awesome. I dig the new blog layout, simple but elegant. I suppose you dont have much time for blogging these days. I hope all is well with you and the fam, and remember Nicholas is a great boys name.

2/19/2006 5:18 PM  
Blogger Steve Ely said...

Do you know whether it's a boy or girl?

2/20/2006 1:14 AM  
Blogger trawlerman said...


Yes. It's either a boy or a girl!

{insert wink here}

Nope, we've always been surprised. We'll find out very soon.

2/20/2006 4:36 PM  

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