
The Example of Brave Heart

Evidence of William'’s early religious education is provided by the psalter which he habitually carried on his campaigns, and his attachment to the Psalms of David was noted by the eyewitnesses of his execution.

- James Mackay, from William Wallace: Brave Heart


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes the reader reviews at Amazon are pretty funny. If you read all the way down to the last review on the linked William Wallace book you get:

"hey im 15 and i read this book cause William Wallace is my idle. This book is really god and is the whole story of William Wallace including all the gory detail left out of the Movie Braveheart. That about all i have to say, this book is amazing."

I found it funny (spelling and all), anyhow.

3/07/2006 9:09 PM  
Blogger trawlerman said...

Agreed (that some reviews are laughingly bad). That said, I do respect the 15-year-old (obviously not the brightest, at least as far as the rudiments of language are concerned) who would wade through Mackay's biography to independently educate himself on a topic of interest.

3/08/2006 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I have to be careful about casting stones in regards to language mistakes, because I make a good many of them myself. I find it harder to laugh at my own mistakes, but I did find the confluence of mistakes in this review created an unintentionally humorous peice of writing.

So, I found it not so much laughingly bad, (it was no worse than a lot of reviews) but actually funny.

3/09/2006 9:08 AM  
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3/20/2019 5:20 PM  
Blogger Shaimaa Elsadek said...

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3/20/2019 5:23 PM  
Blogger Shaimaa Elsadek said...

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3/20/2019 5:25 PM  
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